Goodbye 2021 and hello to 2022! Here at US Surrogacy LLC we just wrapped up a stellar year with over 40 babies born. Our surrogates delivered so much joy to their parents, many who have been waiting a very long time to have a baby of their own. Three of our recent parents took the time to share some sweet words about welcoming their babies and how fatherhood and surrogacy changed their life.

Here in this picture you can see this was my year. I became a father, the most exciting title in my life. I play the role of parenting beside the person I love the most – my Danny. This new life not only includes touching, beautiful, easy and good moments, but also challenging ones which is what makes me a father.
I chose this picture from a difficult time during my parenting journey, but a very educative and exciting moment in my life. Our Oliver-Gabriel was born a few weeks early and spent a few days in the NICU with a device that measured his small heartbeat. Although he didn’t need oxygen and was born with good weight, those days were still mixed with both happiness and pain.
Everyone wants to upload those beautiful photos of their children, but no one wants to share the pictures of sleepless nights or the crying that makes the heart ache. Parenting is a challenging thing and a lifelong mission.
The day he was born I held his small body with throat choking tears and my heart danced with happiness. I promised him that I would protect him from all. I remember what my mother told me about raising children and the competition of parents in the race for the best and most perfect child. She said on the phone: “Don’t over expect from your child and don’t educate him to be the better than others, teach him to be the best that *he* can.”
– Nati

For many years now Niv and I have been talking about having a baby, becoming our own family, making lifelong changes and even looking to bags under our eyes. And then we decided on surrogacy and the rest is history.
In February 2020, a second before a global pandemic changed the planet, we flew to officially start the process at the ORM clinic in Portland. And then in October 2021 the magic (or the dream) came true, our Aria came to world at 3.340 kg of record sweetness and endless screams. And indeed we managed to fill the bags under our eyes immediately. Starting 2022 as a little family.
It was (and still is) a challenging and special journey and it’s important for us to note and thank all those who have been there by our side throughout this part of our journey.
First and foremost, Grace – you are our ANGEL. We cannot thank you enough for making our dream come true. You are an amazing person with such great personality. Having a month with you and your family was full of fun experiences and a blast. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We miss you so much. Happy new year to you and your family!
To the ladies Dawn, Marin and Amy at our agency US Surrogacy LLC, thank you so much for all your assistance, guidance and of course the incredible match with Grace! You have played such a great part in our journey – thank you so much.
To the ORM Fertility Center, you’ve accompanied us for a year and a half with courtesy, patience and great professionalism. To Erez and Yaniv – you are amazing!
This journey wouldn’t be possible without Daphna, Bat-Chen and Victoria. From legal accompaniment to psychological treatments (including on FaceTime in the noisy streets of Rezano). You’re professional at every level and always fun with a smile.Amazing one by one!
To the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles and Yotam who helped us with a swift process.
Thank you for 2021 – the year when the biggest dream came true!
And of course, how is it possible with our families and friends, how supportive you all are! Always there with help, gifts, carbohydrates, FaceTime, mental health, professional help, recommendations, Amazon registry, treats – wow wow!
Now back to important things with baby girl Aria – sleep exercises, Eurovision and a healthy addiction to Rupol.
– Ran

“It takes many years to become young” – P. Picasso
It’s true but us dads will do anything to make you happy and free, carefree and young… Rich in enthusiasm and sweet from every condition as well as able to rejoice in the beauties of life . We will strive to the maximum and stand by your side….. ready to stand up when you don’t know how to do it yourself but never invasive and conditioning. A world of good from your fathers, may it be a 2022 in the name of love ….. beautiful daughters .
– Maurizio